The registers
Memorials and gravestone inscriptions Pew allocations 1860 If you would like to support the updating and ongoing maintenance of these records, please donate here Registers of Birth, Marriage and DeathThese Cornhill parish registers are made available thanks to the ongoing and dedicated work of local residents.Please note that not all records listed here are complete. Work is ongoing and updated versions will be added to the site regularly.
Files may be read online but should be downloaded if you wish to search or sort them * indicates .xls files which can be sorted or searched in Excel, LibreOffice or similar
Baptisms Explanatory notes
Marriages Explanatory notes
Burials Explanatory notes
Memorials and gravestone inscriptionsWe acknowledge with gratitude the work of the following in transcribing the memorials and inscriptions at St Helen’s Cornhill:-• Coldstream and District Local History Society Gravestone transcriptions The following may also be of interest: About the Cornhill-on-Tweed Churchyards Memorials inside St. Helen’s Church (temporarily unavailable) • Linda Bankier of the Berwick Records Office berwickarchives@ • Friends of Berwick & District Museum and Archives
Allocated pews (about 1860)The following among the free and unappropriated pews were selected by families resident in Scotland for their usual occupation:
The following pews were allocated by the Minister, Church Wardens and parishioners to families which occupied pews in the old church: